Friday, January 27, 2012

Still So Excited!

Okay, so it may sound crazy, but I am so happy to be on this diet!!! I know it's only week 1, but so far my husband and I have lost weight (just an added bonus), I do feel better (physically and mentally), and Maggie has not complained about her stomach hurting her once! Wow! I keep telling myself that this all may be a coincidence, but from the research that I've done, it's completely normal to feel better within the week.

So, tomorrow we have a birthday party to go to. It may be bad, but I'm actually thinking about letting Maggie eat the cupcake or cake there just to see if her stomach hurts that bad? It probably is. I'm gonna have to sleep on that one. I've been trying to explain to Maggie what it means to be gluten-free. Basically she understands that if she eats certain foods, they will hurt her stomach-not bad for a 3 year old. I have no idea if she actually has a gluten sensitivity or not, but she has always complained about her stomach hurting.

The big problem that I've run into is that this diet can get very expensive. There is a wonderful gluten-free community on-line with all kinds of recipes and tips. However, I'm still very overwhelmed with all of the flours and other ingredients that I am not familiar with. I am determined to figure out more easy, gluten-free meals within our budget. If I figure it out-I'll be sure to write a post about it, but until then...any suggestions?

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